Forum > Introductions

New - Old Member

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HI all, This is Gerry Strathman.  I have been a motorcycle rider for a bit over 50 years.  (Yep, I am old).  I have been retired for a while and live most of the time in Las Cruces, New Mexico.  I am now spending the Summers in the Twin Cities.  I am not fond of the cold so I go back and forth as the weather dictates.  I rode with HSTA for many years but discontinued my membership as there is no chapter in New Mexico.  I do ride with an informal group of Las Cruces and El Paso guys.  I currently have a Ducati Multistrada in NM and a Ducati Hyerstrada here in MN.  I just acquired the Hyperstrada after selling my 2003 Honda Interceptor.  I am eager to put some miles on the Hyperstada.  I know a few of the long-time members and am eager to meet the rest of the MSTA members.  Hopefully on rides.  Since I am retired I can ride almost any time I am not bicycling.  I now have two passions "Motorcycling and Bicycling." 

Hi Gerry,

Welcome.  I'm a new member as well.  Hope to see you on a ride sometime soon.  My boy's baseball season ends next weekend (7/11, 7/12) with a tournament so my wife and I should be able to join a ride or two soon after that.  Like the looks of that Hyperstrada.


Hi Gerry, Now that you are available on weekdays you should join Guzzi's "Hill country rides". We ride during the week into WI and usually lunch in Independence. I know you have ridden that area back in the day, probably with

Mike Duluth:
Welcome Gerry, hope to see you on a ride soon.

The Hill Country Rides sound great!  Just what I need.  How do I get info about days, times, start locations, etc.  Once I figure things out - I will be there.


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