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--- Quote from: Deplorable, thank you! on August 22, 2018, 10:19:24 PM ---Imagine if you will, you were riding your motorcycle in the above scenario...
--- End quote ---

I suspect we have all had this experience at some point.  It is one reason I practice threshold braking every time I go out on a bike.  So far, braking hard and turning right onto the shoulder has worked when I am either on a bike or in a car. 

I hate it when someone in our group passes on a blind hill or corner, forcing oncoming traffic to brake and turn on the shoulder.  It endangers everyone, including those of us in the correct lane behind them.  But I have been guilty of some really stupid passes, too. 

Deplorable, thank you!:
Very late update to this

 The guy did get 3 tickets, in the end 2 were dropped and he ended up paying some fine/court costs (more than $500).......don't remember how much now months later and don't feel like looking it back up (I was notified of the court date, but I just looked it up on court records several days later. I did not attend as I was busy that day and couldn't get out of it, not sure attending would have made any difference- but I would have loved to hear the case)

 So a couple weeks later I went to go get my memory card back and the prosecutor claims to not have it.........
sucks- I really wanted to post up the footage!
 Prosecutor did offer me $10 for the memory card when I bitched a little bit.......... he missed the point!

on a final note........ prosecutor did inform me the guy no longer has his license from another driving offense

Satisfying end result, but for the loss of the card.

Glad there was consequences.  Personally I would have liked to stood there in person and heard him try to explain why he was over halfway in your lane.  Does it mean anything in your life?  Probably not but it forces him to look you in the eye and admit he f'ed up.


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