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Author Topic: coronavirus  (Read 9144 times)

Offline Mike Duluth

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« on: March 19, 2020, 09:45:52 AM »
Does anyone have any symptoms?
I was sick about 5 weeks ago, never went in. Who knows, we could have had this for some time and never knew it.
They still don't have testing in place for the most part. So I'm guessing we're more infected than we think.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2020, 09:48:37 AM by Mike Duluth »
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Offline Vermillion

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Re: coronavirus
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2020, 12:31:03 AM »
 Not a single person I know, sadly now they are all hunkered down in their homes refusing to do anything but hide.

 I think it was and is way overblown nothing burger, to help ease the most sick and the eldest they tanked the economy, ruined healthy peoples lives and took away their incomes and stuck them at home with the wife and kids 24/7 by closing everything and anything they wanted. Showing just how much power they have.

 That home time can only be fun for a few days before needing to go get away, hopefully the weather turns quickly to escape on 2 wheels and get that recommended alone time with nobody within 6 feet.
Gloves, check
Helmet acts like a mask right, check
Fresh air and six feet seperation from other humans, check
perfect, see I am a conformist and a rebel at the same time

 You know I am just doing my small part to support the dwindling economy with some fuel purchases and lunches and not adding to the madness of the angry hoarders.
Ride with those you enjoy and stay clear of those who despise you or you yourself despise. Life is short enjoy it.

Offline Mike Duluth

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Re: coronavirus
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2020, 09:15:20 AM »
What confuses me, why if they knew about this late last year are they first dealing with it now?
Hunting rabbits when I was young, when there where a lot of bunnies you had to be careful cause most of them were sick.
When we are over populated nature has a way thinning out the population. These things always seem to start in over populated areas.
Some how we have learned how to trick nature.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2020, 09:30:29 AM by Mike Duluth »
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Offline Vermillion

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Re: coronavirus
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2020, 10:29:50 AM »
 Orange man bad bad bad and they couldn't impeach him so just like the shootings that always happen at timely moments to further gun grabbers agenda and distract us from what the corrupt government is doing at the time.
This was released upon the public to install fear and get orange man out, they further hyped it up and over reacted and pushed to tank the economy and skyrocket unemployment to further the orange man bad bad bad factions of the government agenda and the media is part of the problem.
 Afterall, most are owned by the orange man bad factions.
 I mean just listen to the debates or whenever any of them speak, all they spew is hatred toward trump and how this election is about stopping and beating trump, deep state factions all the way in play.
 It is the swamp trying to stay out of prison.
 I am all for draining the swamp and think it is long overdue.
 Term Limits are a must.
 No pay for life is a must.
 Do you guys even realize how many hundreds of millions each year it costs just to have them in office and out.
Each of those senators and house representatives rack up $10,000 per month cell bills and that is typical.
 Then look at all their other expenses, you can google it and see, each has ~$100,000 in expenses every month before they are even paid.
 I looked up many of them and several are well over $1.3 million a year before taking their pay, I did not see any under $1 million x 535 and you have what about $700 million annually before secret service expenses to protect them or travel expenses captured elsewhere, military and air force 1 and 2.
You know all that money came off the hard work of taxpayers, newsflash there is no money tree and they lie about their costs and agendas.
Election reform is a must.
Voter ID is a must.
So many things need to drastically change but the swamp is never going to change all the things that benefit themselves, they care not about you or I other than your vote to keep them in power and the continuation of taking a large portion of your earnings, more than 50% is taken by taxes and government fees.
 What happen to the concept of they work for us?
I guess that died long ago.

Ride with those you enjoy and stay clear of those who despise you or you yourself despise. Life is short enjoy it.

Offline Mike Duluth

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Re: coronavirus
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2020, 08:39:11 AM »
Is everyone staying at home?
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Offline vince

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Re: coronavirus
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2020, 12:53:50 PM »
No I am a freedom rider.

Offline Mike Duluth

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Re: coronavirus
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2020, 11:51:08 AM »
If you have any symptoms, and go out into public and infect someone that dies, what should be the repercussions?
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Offline vince

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Re: coronavirus
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2020, 07:35:54 PM »
Well they say the O zone is healing itself now. So one less may be a good thing.