Forum > Routes

How To Post A Route to This Forum


This forum is for posting  routes only. Please do not respond to posting or discuss posted routes in this forum.

Please include the following in the title of your post

* Date route used
* Name of route/ride
* File Extension
In the description please include the following information on the route

* Start city/state
* End city/state
* Length
For length, please specify the route length as a range in 50 mile increments (eg. 250-300) and then specify the length like this "(~280)'.

Formatting your route post this way will make it searchable, so that people looking for a route starting in a specific place of a give length or for a route used on a specific ride will be able to find the route.

If you need a place to host the route file, click here to upload your file to this site.



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