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Author Topic: Route postings that users may not want made public  (Read 6794 times)

Offline zaskar

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Re: Route postings that users may not want made public
« Reply #15 on: October 25, 2010, 10:47:19 AM »
Okay, I have refrained from saying anything other than smart-assed remarks so far. Here's what I really think.
You make up a route, big fucking deal. Sorry about the swearing.
People have been riding these roads, and leading groups for years. You link together some roads and all of a sudden you are a hero. That's bs. You probably gleaned all your info from other rides anyway. I live in these parts, ride these roads on my motorcycle and bicycle all the time. I never claim a route to be mine. I share my rides so others can enjoy the area, and want to come back. To even claim a route as privileged information is simply sophomoric. I probably rode your route first anyway, as did many others. The only boggle I can see is if you don't want a route posted right before a ride, in case some narc is watching the forum, and wants to know a rides route to set up a traffic stop.
Please stop this bullshit, or I will stop leading any group rides and won't attend yours. We are not 16 years old here.
In before the lock...

Well said sir!!

Offline aschendel

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Re: Route postings that users may not want made public
« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2010, 12:53:08 PM »
Classic intellectual property rights discussions...  I bet we'll be the first to figure it all out - don't forget to write down our conclusion and send it off to RIAA.

The fact that we can't agree to disagree indicates that we are in fact 16 years old and/or sophomoric.  There isn't any way to bring everyone together, but there certainly are all sorts of ways to drive everyone apart.  Everybody has their own quirks and instead of jumping on one side or the other, how about we all try to act out the golden rule and show each other a little respect?


p.s.  It's obvious that both sides have a pretty solid argument, but I side with respecting the source of the "work".  It is not "work" to follow someone else's route a time or two, decide it's awesome and then post it.  It is work to go out and figure out how roads flow together, how to line up appropriate breaks, type it up and bring a group on it.

p.p.s.  At this point, I'd like to thanks Matt, from clubb5 / passatworld, for showing me the basic route I've been using for all my group rides; your work has made me look good on more than one occasion and I appreciate that you were willing to do this for me and share it with me.

Offline mikey

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Re: Route postings that users may not want made public
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2010, 07:49:19 PM »
christ, what a lame fucking topic.  if you create a route and want it kept a secret, dont share it then. dont do a group ride with other people.  i mean really its pretty pathetic to whine about someone sharing a route.  i have tons of routes from rides ive been on.  none are named, and i have no clue who made em.  i've in the past asked people such as Ray for a copy of a route that i know hes done in the past.  i print it off and throw it in my stack of shit, then when i want to go out and ride i grab a route and go.  its not like any of these roads are a big secret.  anyone that can read a map or navigate google maps can find these roads.  hell ive even grabbed routes from posted rides, even though i had no intentions of going on them at the time.  mainly because i dont care for the group that happens to be going that day.  yet another day i may grab a few people and decide to do it.  does this mean someone should be praised because others have traveled the same route?

Offline Greg

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Re: Route postings that users may not want made public
« Reply #18 on: October 30, 2010, 04:00:36 AM »
The solution is very simple and all the whiners on here saying it has to be their way are idiots. YOU  should take YOUR ball and go home- delete YOUR account and leave-please !! Do yourself and us all a favor

Respect the route creators wishes-and stop stealing their routes and stop attending any of their rides, then stop whining like little babies about the fact some people don't want YOU to have it!

If they are so damn easy to create and execute-get off your lazy ass and do it- make up your own route and do your own ride instead of having to use someone elses hard work, that is just proof positive of a LAZY non contributor

This isn't open for debate, it won't be rammed down ones throat. This is this way it is, certain people will not share and certain people will !! I could really care less which group you fall in, but you do need to respect the wishes of those that don't want them shared.
 It is that  Black and white.

This thread is another one of those argueing idiot threads that makes no sense.

Why can't we just get along? I'll tell you why-it is because there are far too many lazyasses who need everything handed to them, and feel they deserve it that way.

 My take- Fuck you, shut up and go away or start contributing something useful !

 I still feel this forum needs to be locked down so only members can view anything, and we need to weed out the riff raff.I added a poll thread for this simple question !
 Plus just like someones tagline- I hate forums, for this reason-too many idiots with internet access and too much idle time with too stupid of posts.

Just because some people want to share and some don't doesn't mean either side is in the wrong or in the right- what is wrong is idiots posting up argueing that it is their way and their way alone in regards to their belief that everyone has to share or not share- GTFU !

I can no longer be affiliated with this type of rhetoric.
« Last Edit: October 30, 2010, 07:54:14 AM by stevens_ave929 »
These people have taught me more about riding than any day spent on a track: Larry B, Tony K, Vince J, Mr. Wonderful, V2Neal, Marty F, Kevin B, Devon W, Ehrich, Mike A, John L, Arnell, Kirk, Ray C

Track days are like climbing the rock wall at REI.
Perhaps I need to stop taking the high road.

Offline Ray916MN

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Re: Route postings that users may not want made public
« Reply #19 on: October 30, 2010, 08:48:49 AM »
The solution is very simple and all the whiners on here saying it has to be their way are idiots. YOU  should take YOUR ball and go home- delete YOUR account and leave-please !! Do yourself and us all a favor

Respect the route creators wishes-and stop stealing their routes and stop attending any of their rides, then stop whining like little babies about the fact some people don't want YOU to have it!

If they are so damn easy to create and execute-get off your lazy ass and do it- make up your own route and do your own ride instead of having to use someone elses hard work, that is just proof positive of a LAZY non contributor

This isn't open for debate, it won't be rammed down ones throat. This is this way it is, certain people will not share and certain people will !! I could really care less which group you fall in, but you do need to respect the wishes of those that don't want them shared.
 It is that  Black and white.

This thread is another one of those argueing idiot threads that makes no sense.

Why can't we just get along? I'll tell you why-it is because there are far too many lazyasses who need everything handed to them, and feel they deserve it that way.

 My take- Fuck you, shut up and go away or start contributing something useful !

 I still feel this forum needs to be locked down so only members can view anything, and we need to weed out the riff raff.I added a poll thread for this simple question !
 Plus just like someones tagline- I hate forums, for this reason-too many idiots with internet access and too much idle time with too stupid of posts.

Just because some people want to share and some don't doesn't mean either side is in the wrong or in the right- what is wrong is idiots posting up argueing that it is their way and their way alone in regards to their belief that everyone has to share or not share- GTFU !

Unfortunately Lloyd, the only person I see trying to ram something down the throats of others is you.

You ask in your post

Why can't we just get along?

Your post is an example of why.

I'd really like to keep things open on this forum. No personal attacks. An open environment where people can share their opinions and thoughts without having others attack them, castigate or denigrate them, bully them or make them feel unwelcome.

I'm locking this thread. The first and hopefully last time I have to do this. May it serve as example of taking it too far.