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Messages - nOOky

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Off Topic / Raced a couple of Harleys today...
« on: October 24, 2011, 08:01:37 PM »
...and I beat them, on a bicycle!
Okay, it's a small victory, but kind of funny. I came off cty rd E onto hwy 95 just outside of Arcadia. That's at the top of the hill where it gets twisty. A couple in the 40's (I'm guessing) on their Harleys came over the crest of the hill right behind me. They passed me, briefly, then slowed waaay down for the corners. I managed to get around both of them, and I stayed ahead of them until the road straightened out on the last part of the hill. I had to pedal like mad against a bit of wind in my face, but I held on. Of course they roared by me at the bottom, really close to me too, as if to show me who was boss.
Also, on River Road, I managed to pass a huge 4 wheel drive 8-wheeled piece of farm machinery. He was going about 18 mph, and I assumed he was maxed out. Imagine my surprise when I heard the thing throttle up behind me, almost like the guy was trying to scare the crap out of me. He did, and now I know that particular model of farm equipment goes about 21 mph  ;D here's a click-able link in case you don't believe me, I was going right around 35-40 coming down the hill. Slow for a sport bike, but too fast for a cruiser apparently.

Off Topic / Re: yes? no? maybe? sometimes?
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:52:17 PM »
Americans don't want to drive fuel efficient vehicles. They'd rather have large gas guzzling boats, it's kind of a status symbol. Small, cheap cars are seen as less manly, and make you look poor. Americans also must have vehicles capable of hauling 8 people, pulling a boat, and it has to have every option available just in case. Heaven forbid people would drive something fuel efficient and practical.
And hybrids, what a joke. The added expense and complexity to get the same mpg as a small diesel car. I recently learned that if you're in an accident in a hybrid, the operator of the jaws of life must be trained in hybrid cars. Seems that cutting through that 100 volt cable by accident can kill somebody. Ouch!
(I should talk though, I drive a Honda CR-V, which is a small feminine vehicle that only gets in the upper 20's for mileage  ;D)

General Banter / Re: RIP Marco Simoncelli
« on: October 23, 2011, 09:30:06 AM »
Looks like a horrible crash. RIP.

Off Topic / Re: yes? no? maybe? sometimes?
« on: October 21, 2011, 09:34:36 PM »
That's the Fiat J-Lo drives in the commercials right? My god is it ever ugly, sorry. That and the Mini Cooper make the Mazda Miata seem manly...

General Banter / Re: Off season adventures?
« on: October 19, 2011, 08:35:48 AM »
With my upcoming medical bills I'll be lucky to buy that aluminum trailer I've always wanted. My plan was a trip where I could take both the motorcycles and the mountain bikes.
If you get a part time job or two and save more money maybe you could take me with you?

General Banter / Re: SKIS!!??
« on: October 18, 2011, 07:28:02 PM »
I do. Although the last outing this spring, the dogs wrecked my skis. When you ski with dogs, they don't see the back of your skis under the snow, so they step on them all the time. Not only can this scratch your skis over time, it can cause you to lose your balance and wreck stuff. I also snowshoe a lot, it's good exercise.

General Banter / Re: How long will my rear Pilot Power last yet?
« on: October 18, 2011, 07:18:00 PM »
lol that's funny Lloyd, like I give a rip which topic is first. It never entered my mind, but I see how you think. There's just gotta be an ulterior motive eh?

It could be that I'm just starting conversation also, kind of dead around here. Glad you replied, I haven't talked to you in, like, forever, mainly because I don't get out much anymore.
I'm going to order a new tire, but leave it for the weekend.

P.S. If anything I'd want my post in the other topic, where I'm giving Ray grief, back on top  ;)

General Banter / How long will my rear Pilot Power last yet?
« on: October 18, 2011, 06:50:09 PM »
There's about a 1/16" of an inch over the wear bars... and I want to ride Saturday or Sunday or both. Or should I just order a new tire?
Should I stay home and put it away while it's warm out yet?

Anyone, anyone?

General Banter / Re: Sheez Crashed @ Least 3 Times Today
« on: October 18, 2011, 06:42:48 PM »
24 miles in 3 hours?!
Damn I'd be faster on my mountain bike under pedal power  ;)
I'd be afraid to get a dirty bike. I think going downhill on a bike at over 30 mph with trees less than a foot away is fun enough, if I had a motor I'd be dead!
Can I borrow your bike for an afternoon Ray?

General Banter / Re: Motorcycle Passing - Chase - Road Rage
« on: June 04, 2011, 11:36:28 PM »
I'm not surprised by the video. Being a motorcyclist and a person who lives by the roads where people from out of town like to go fast, I can see both sides.
On my cycle I try to pass reasonably. Acting like Joe Rocket and almost dragging a knee and flying by vehicles in a double yellow can be irritating. It doesn't warrant a death sentence, but it might get annoying day after day. People in the country assume a general sense of peace and quiet, and cycles flying by their driveway at speed is probably upsetting.
I ride my bicycle on many of the same roads people like to ride their motorcycles fast on. I've been buzzed, had throttles blipped as they pass, etc. I've seen milk trucks and crotch rockets completely in my lane coming around a blind corner. I often think about my line on a bike and hope someone isn't coming the other way taking a corner too hot.
The bottom line I guess is that the street ain't a track. The motorcycles in the video sure weren't obeying the speed limit, and passing a slow moving vehicle on a double yellow might be okay. But you have to be wary of others around you, especially country boys in pick-ups.

General Banter / Re: How to handle a Wisconsin speeding ticket?
« on: May 17, 2011, 06:28:56 PM »
You Minnesota people stay out of our fine state and ride your own roads!  ;D

I would think it's public knowledge/common sense to not speed on hwy 35, but people get busted all the time doing just that. Good luck with your ticket, they really do suck.

Off Topic / Re: Eagles in Decorah, Iowa
« on: May 10, 2011, 08:21:10 PM »
Gah I'm too late! I've always wanted a fried eagle egg sammich with bacon and cheese on it...

You can't ride with me, unless you change out them mirrors for something you cant use to see behind you  :D

Looks like a damn fine machine, I'm jealous!

General Banter / Re: Tail of the Dragon
« on: December 03, 2010, 10:57:51 PM »
Figured you'd spot that :)
Probably why I won't repair the cosmetic damage to my bike, I'll just tip it over again some time anyway.

Off Topic / Re: Childress house egged
« on: December 02, 2010, 10:29:02 PM »

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