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Messages - T.W. Day

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Bike Help / Re: Oil Seal Tactics
« on: March 21, 2010, 09:30:39 PM »
I looked for burrs or contaminants on the outer surface, last time I replaced the seal. I'll look more carefully at the shaft itself, the next time. There's not realy side movement on the shaft, but it moves in and out a few fractions of an inch. Thanks.

General Banter / MC Parking
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:15:02 PM »
A friend at work, Charles Fletcher, has taken on the St. Paul Metermaid Society as a personal quest. We have a couple of unmarked parking spaces in front of the school where I work in downtown St. Paul and, for a couple of years, those space were exactly right for a pair of motorcycles per space. Since they were unmarked and unmetered, it made sense to park there. Eventually, the local metermaids decided to ticket bikes in those spaces with a different irrational penalty each time. Last year, Charles decided to fight them. So far (almost 20 tickets later), he's winning, but it's a solo battle and I suspect he will eventually lose.

With the crazy delusion that American motorcyclists might someday has balls as big as French motorcyclists ( ), I wonder how we might add some fuel to Charle's fire? Ever since watching M Moore's Sicko (and hearing the expat American say "In France the government is afraid of the people; In the US you have exact opposite."), I've wanted to remind someone in government that they are our poorly performing employees. Maybe if a few risk-taking motorcyclists started this off it might turn into some kind of democratic movement. I know, what a freakin' daydream.

Bike Help / Oil Seal Tactics
« on: March 21, 2010, 01:01:38 PM »
Last spring, I spent a bunch of hours getting my Kawasaki 250 Super Sherpa ready for a backroads trip across North Dakota. About 3 days before I left, the damn thing spit out it's countershaft oil seal and all of the engine oil. Fortunately, I hadn't left the driveway when it happened. Unfortunately, I didn't get back to working on the bitch until late August. I replaced the seal and an o-ring on the countershaft, put it back together and . . . it now drools like a BSA or some damn 1970's Brit POS. So, as soon as it's warmed up in the garage, I'm going to try again.

Nothing about this seal makes me feel warm and comfy about taking the Sherpa anywhere remote. It's just pressed in, no retention system at all. Any suggestions on installing one of these things so that it won't leak or jump out again?

General Banter / Re: Welcome!
« on: March 16, 2010, 09:48:39 PM »
Nice work. It looks pretty cool. Being old and illiterate, I'm not sure how the email reply system is going to work, but it seems like it ought to be an improvement from the Yahoo! site. Thanks, Ray.

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