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Messages - aschendel

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General Banter / Re: Deer Hunting Starts
« on: November 08, 2010, 07:20:23 AM »
i thought it was in jest / tongue-in-cheek and it didn't bother me a bit.  i could see how it could though.


General Banter / Re: Totally Gay-Assed Harley Half Helmet
« on: November 07, 2010, 11:48:51 AM »

Off Topic / Re: Top Gear
« on: November 04, 2010, 10:04:24 AM »
that was worth watching, thanks for sharing!


General Banter / Re: Should MNMSTA be a members eyes only forum?
« on: November 01, 2010, 11:07:36 AM »
i say it basically depends on the stance of the board owner; if he wants to let us decide, then it's up to us to sort it out.

i personally don't think that restricting board access will address much of the unfortunate personal disagreements/dislike and apparent lack of respect that we have seen recent examples of here.  as a new-ish member, i really like the "ride-focused" nature of this board thus far and i hope that the prevailing vibe is one where differences can be dealt with or put aside and we can all match up with the riders and rides that we enjoy.

would i pay to be in this club?  maybe.  would i register to view / participate, well, that depends on how i got here and what was available to see prior to joining.  a personal invitation from someone who knows what i like would have sufficed, as would a publicly viewable mission statement (or something) that describes how much you guys like serious rides.  i doubt anyone who does sign up and then doesn't find the forum to be what they want to participate in will be completely offended and go badmouth it...  so from that perspective the risk is pretty small.  i guess you'd also risk not having people join because of the restrictions, but that comes back to having some public content that would convince them that signing up is easy and worth it.


General Banter / Re: New Honda 250 Sportbike
« on: October 27, 2010, 10:04:32 AM »
Both the ninja and new CBR look awesome!


Introductions / Re: Jeff from the twin cities
« on: October 25, 2010, 01:00:29 PM »
hey welcome - sounds like a sweet bike!

there are some pretty serious riders here, no doubt :)


General Banter / Re: Route postings that users may not want made public
« on: October 25, 2010, 12:53:08 PM »
Classic intellectual property rights discussions...  I bet we'll be the first to figure it all out - don't forget to write down our conclusion and send it off to RIAA.

The fact that we can't agree to disagree indicates that we are in fact 16 years old and/or sophomoric.  There isn't any way to bring everyone together, but there certainly are all sorts of ways to drive everyone apart.  Everybody has their own quirks and instead of jumping on one side or the other, how about we all try to act out the golden rule and show each other a little respect?


p.s.  It's obvious that both sides have a pretty solid argument, but I side with respecting the source of the "work".  It is not "work" to follow someone else's route a time or two, decide it's awesome and then post it.  It is work to go out and figure out how roads flow together, how to line up appropriate breaks, type it up and bring a group on it.

p.p.s.  At this point, I'd like to thanks Matt, from clubb5 / passatworld, for showing me the basic route I've been using for all my group rides; your work has made me look good on more than one occasion and I appreciate that you were willing to do this for me and share it with me.

General Banter / Re: Route postings that users may not want made public
« on: October 24, 2010, 11:17:40 PM »
I see both/all sides, and I think every perspective has merit, even Lloyd clearing up the backstory re: flyinglow.  So now we all know, eh?

Confessional time:  I pretty much run a route I picked up from a passatworld drive way back when it was clubb5.  I've done variants, and personalized it somewhat, but just to be forthright, I learned it from one of the great local planners on their forum (Matt); that dude just loved to drive and had a real knack for laying down sweet routes.



General Banter / Re: Keeping myself in check
« on: October 22, 2010, 08:03:24 AM »
my strategry is full coverage, try not to push over 80%, life insurance, disability insurance, and lots of practice / awareness training.

we have an agreement that if i get hospitalized i'm done.  <EEK>  although i'd try to talk my way out of that if we end up there :P


Off Topic / Re: Ouchy! Bad accident herabouts.
« on: October 18, 2010, 10:39:36 AM »
Was Co 4 open @ 61?  A few weeks back I was going the other way (61 S to CR 4) and before I got to 4 they had a detour up on CR9, which I took.  I ended up on gravel/construction anyways, coming back on 4 to 10 by the golf course...


Bike Help / Re: '02 ZX-6R, time for a new clutch - brand recommendations?
« on: October 15, 2010, 08:57:51 AM »
thanks guys!

i'll take a crack at it this winter, should be a fun little project.


edit:  i use the awesome purolator pureOne's and amsoil marine 15w-40

Bike Help / '02 ZX-6R, time for a new clutch - brand recommendations?
« on: October 11, 2010, 11:09:27 AM »
I was passing pickup truck yesterday at the left off Ravenna Tr. onto Co 18 heading south (or whatever) towards the casino and heard my rev's spin up w/o the normal g-force increase... was rolling about 6-8K in 2nd and pinned it once the oncoming lane was clear, iirc it zipped up to 12-14K pretty quick but by then I had let off the gas and everything caught back up and it rode fine the rest of the day (not too much gear changing, back and forth on 7 a few times then down to RW, then back to the cities).  I've thought recently that it might have been slipping a little but this was pretty obvious.

When I have time I'll pull it apart to see if there is anything wrong, but I've got just over 50K miles on it and I'm guessing it's just time for a new one.  Do you guys have a brand preference, or OEM, I'm up for whatever the consensus is for the best option.  Do people generally do all the plates (friction and steel) along with the springs, or only what's "worn out"?  Do any gaskets / o-rings need to be replaced as well or are they reusable?

I'd like it to last at least as long.  I think I take it pretty easy on things most of the time (got 10K out of my last PP2CT).  I do use the clutch on every shift, although I often skip gears, going both ways.

Thanks in advance,


General Banter / Re: Sticking With It
« on: October 04, 2010, 03:31:35 PM »
wow, cool sequence.  i wonder at which moment he wished he had his helmet closed.  it looked like he came out in pretty good shape, hopefully didn't get a ticket for his trouble.


Bike Help / Re: New front brake pads for '02 ZX-6R / ZZR600?
« on: September 10, 2010, 09:22:01 AM »
thanks guys, i think i'll take a shot at the non-HH EBC's.


Bike Help / New front brake pads for '02 ZX-6R / ZZR600?
« on: September 09, 2010, 10:00:44 AM »
Hi guys,

Anyone have a favorite brake pad for all-around riding?  I've heard awesome things about Vesrah RJL's, but they don't seem to make them for my bike.  Low dust, low noise, good bite and good feel of course, and decent longevity would be nice.  I doubt I'll spend much time braking from track speed, although one or two rounds @ DCTC / year is likely.  I've got 50K miles on the OEMs and I'd buy them again if there's nothing better.



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