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Messages - Ultra_Magnus

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General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:01:06 PM »
He was down but he stay with the bike until the edge of the road. Then the bike stopped and he kept going down hill and into the rail. He knows how he it the rail at that moment I was not looking but I think it did spin him around.

I have no clue how i flew off the bike really. but i was with it till it hit the ground, guessing the bike landed on my femur. I just remeber the bike slipping and having the feeling of getting hit by a baseball bat.

Then sliding down the road in slow motion thinking, wow these leathers kick ass. Then trying to get up and my left leg was flopping around like an accordian lol.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 09, 2011, 05:39:19 AM »
It took me several viewings to finally figure out what happened.  I think video rider sensed the rider behind was almost hitting him and got spooked.  I also wonder why he performed that last shift and just didn't stay on the throttle.

Not sure why i did that to be honest. I think maybe i was torn between braking hard but at the last moment i decided to just take the turn wide.  I took on the tar snake because the oncoming lane was
 full of gravel.

But you are right, when i was starting to look into the turn i saw the rider right next to me in my peripheral, so my planned line was out of the question. Im pretty confident that if i woulda took my planned line he would have smacked into me.

This probably contributed to my crash too. I remeber being super pissed when i was pulling out of that corner and my mind wasnt right for the rest of the ride.

well, nothing said you had to continue the ride. you or anyone else is free to pull out if its not going well for you. just let someone else know. or drop to the back and rethink things. i seperated from some people one morning because my comfort level wasnt where i would have liked it, mind elsewhere or speed or something. got back together with them at lunch and had a great afternoon. if i hadnt got back with them , i still had the route, and the sunshine, some tunes, and a smile riding my bike. 
hope this makes sense,

Oh i know, but i still wanted to ride. But that little incident probably got the testosterone flowin, so i was riding a little more aggresivly than i should have been after that.

General Banter / Re: Ducati 1199 Panigale
« on: November 08, 2011, 10:16:00 PM »
This new one uses chain driven cams, no more belts to replace every couple of years. Not sure on the valve adjustment intervals, those still might be 7500 miles.

my brothers 2010 streetfighter needs its belt harmonics checked every 7500 miles..not sure what the belts are for exactly tho..

General Banter / Re: Like Father, Like Son
« on: November 08, 2011, 10:07:54 PM »
Why did the article say the damage was to the back of the other vehicle and the rider had the right of way at a stop sign?  Are they saying the bike rear ended a vehicle at a stop sign?   Confused and sad that any family has to go through that.

They said it happend on highway 5 just out of gaylord. Im guessing the guy pulled out in front of him here and the motorcyclist rear ended the suv.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:38:11 PM »
It took me several viewings to finally figure out what happened.  I think video rider sensed the rider behind was almost hitting him and got spooked.  I also wonder why he performed that last shift and just didn't stay on the throttle.

Not sure why i did that to be honest. I think maybe i was torn between braking hard but at the last moment i decided to just take the turn wide.  I took on the tar snake because the oncoming lane was
 full of gravel.

But you are right, when i was starting to look into the turn i saw the rider right next to me in my peripheral, so my planned line was out of the question. Im pretty confident that if i woulda took my planned line he would have smacked into me.

This probably contributed to my crash too. I remeber being super pissed when i was pulling out of that corner and my mind wasnt right for the rest of the ride.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:43:23 AM »

It's not some cheap Ebay brake light. It's a stock.
Just because I took today off from work, I made a quick video clip of my light here.

so, it always flashes like that when you're not "on" the brake? 

That is distracting and would be annoying IMHO to ride behind.  I would want it to be just either "on" or "off". 

To the human eyes, the LEDs are solid.

must be a BMW thing or the camera, my R1 LED tail light does not show up like that on the GoPro Hero. 

Yea it differnent brand leds run at different freqs. Also frame rate you are running on the camera can make a difference (60fps vs 30fps)

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:57:59 PM »

Following distance is for the unexpected. If we knew what to expect we wouldn't need any following distance.

Agreed. I defintely learned my lesson. Ive been riding 3 years, 45k miles, and this is my first crash, so i thought i had a good distance. Nothing like a broken femur to put thing is perspective.

I look at this is my first and final lesson. If i break this femur again im gonna be in alot of trouble with the metal rod in my leg.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:51:23 PM »
No the camera doesnt pic up led brake lights well, has something to do with the frequency of the leds and the frame rate of the camera. They were solid to the human eye.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:43:32 PM »
I'm not sure where to begin with the riding in the 2nd video...not just yours but both bikes ahead of you leave a little to be desired too.  I would tend to beleive that the person "inside" did so after you were already too wide and well clear of their path.  If they were not its another prime example of following too closely.

Naw they were in my peripheral  before i went wide. Cams just not pickin it up. But yea, defintely a prime example of riding too close :-)

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 06, 2011, 08:32:13 PM »
  Also, before we got to this point, you almost crash once already.

Dont worry Gely, i dont blame you for the crash. Were u a factor? of course. But thats my fault, not yours.

About the  "almost crashing" earlier. No i hit a tar snake. I had total control.

lol wut

Heres the vid of that.

Why did i go wide in this video? Someone decided to blast up on the inside of the curve on me.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 02, 2011, 07:41:49 PM »

My guess - applied the front brake only, which stood the bike up, couldn't get yourself to release the brakes and turn, ran wide and hit the guardrail. I wouldn't be surprised if riding a linked braked bike has got you relying on the front brake lever allot more than you would if you regularly rode a bike with separate front and rear brake systems. At some point when the bike, started to run wide because you were on the front brake, letting off the brake and/or applying the rear brake might have saved your bacon, by allowing you to turn in more.

This is definetly a stong possibility. I wish i could remember exactly what my rear brake was doign at the time, but the fact i know exatly what i was doing with my front leads me to belive not much.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 02, 2011, 11:39:36 AM »

A definate "Hell Yea".

1. Better following distance
2. Get better braking skills
3. Don't ride a bike setup for a 150lb rider that hard

Off the top of my head.
Fantastic list!  Write 'em down for a reminder for the first spring ride.  Its amazing what we all forget over the long MN winter.  I put painter tape on my tank with notes for the spring (like "fresh tires").
on a lean and slowing down hard which he was doing I hitting anything on the front would cause it wash out. By watching the video you can see the bike go down right as the front tire hits it.
Unfortunately, the cup wasn't the first precipitiating event, just the final straw in the chain of events.
following too close
braking hard
loosing line
hit cup

Pretty much it in a nutshell

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 02, 2011, 11:03:27 AM »

Have you set some new rules for yourself based on what you learned in this crash?

A definate "Hell Yea".

1. Better following distance
2. Get better braking skills
3. Don't ride a bike setup for a 150lb rider that hard

Off the top of my head.

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 02, 2011, 10:29:22 AM »
You should definately consider some further rider training.  To me it doesn't matter how long you've been riding or how many miles each season.  If all that time and miles were spent without the purpose of improving your skills (and I don't just mean "going faster") then they are worthless.  There are plenty of riders out there who've been riding for 30 years and have tens of thousands of miles, and they still suck at riding.  You don't get better just because you are out riding.

This crash should have never happened, I can't find a single reason you crashed other than lack of skills and judgement.  I wished we had footage from behind you to further examine what happened.  Video distorts things sometimes but your speed seemed low for this corner and to me it seemed like there was plenty of room to manage your speed/following distance/ and still make the corner.

This all sounds pretty harsh I'm sure but my intent is just to help you focus on the problem and avoid this from happening in the future.  Seeing these types of accidents is frustrating because they are so easily avoidable.  Honestly, if you couldn't negotiate this situation what will you do when a deer jumps out, or a car pulls out in front of you.  I don't see anything wrong with what the rider in front of you was doing, he was riding his own ride!

I'm glad you have healed and this wasn't worse.  Hope you get back to riding and become a better rider as a result of this experience.

agreed. IMO 100% operator error.

Sorry, but you posted this and asked for opinions.  :-\

Well there was definately rider error. But if it wasnt for the debris (as u can see in video) i still belive i would have made it through the turn without issue. The smashed cup is what took my tire out.

I hope my posts dont sound like im trying to make excuses for what happened, but i was on the bike and remember everything crystal clear. I appreciate all the input in this thread so far.

But yea i defintely will be adjusting my riding style to allow for alot more room for error (following distance especially).

General Banter / Re: My Crash, limited time viewing now
« on: November 01, 2011, 11:34:20 PM »
Oh yea and im healed up good. I can walk around with a slight limp without a cane.

I had no injuries other than the broken femur. Thank god for full leathers :-P

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