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Topics - nOOky

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Raced a couple of Harleys today...
« on: October 24, 2011, 08:01:37 PM »
...and I beat them, on a bicycle!
Okay, it's a small victory, but kind of funny. I came off cty rd E onto hwy 95 just outside of Arcadia. That's at the top of the hill where it gets twisty. A couple in the 40's (I'm guessing) on their Harleys came over the crest of the hill right behind me. They passed me, briefly, then slowed waaay down for the corners. I managed to get around both of them, and I stayed ahead of them until the road straightened out on the last part of the hill. I had to pedal like mad against a bit of wind in my face, but I held on. Of course they roared by me at the bottom, really close to me too, as if to show me who was boss.
Also, on River Road, I managed to pass a huge 4 wheel drive 8-wheeled piece of farm machinery. He was going about 18 mph, and I assumed he was maxed out. Imagine my surprise when I heard the thing throttle up behind me, almost like the guy was trying to scare the crap out of me. He did, and now I know that particular model of farm equipment goes about 21 mph  ;D here's a click-able link in case you don't believe me, I was going right around 35-40 coming down the hill. Slow for a sport bike, but too fast for a cruiser apparently.

General Banter / How long will my rear Pilot Power last yet?
« on: October 18, 2011, 06:50:09 PM »
There's about a 1/16" of an inch over the wear bars... and I want to ride Saturday or Sunday or both. Or should I just order a new tire?
Should I stay home and put it away while it's warm out yet?

Anyone, anyone?

Off Topic / Ouchy! Bad accident herabouts.
« on: September 11, 2010, 10:53:22 PM »
A co-worker heard the sirens and went to check this out. Not pretty he said...

Off Topic / Go Vikings!
« on: September 09, 2010, 09:08:43 PM »
That is all. If it was a nice Sunday out I would be doing other things.

Bike Help / Better tires for a 2007 250 Ninja...
« on: September 06, 2010, 11:32:58 AM »
Looking at Diane's bike this a.m., I realized the rear tire is shot. She has a Zars day coming up and rides in a moderate sport-touring style. Any opinions on a better tire than the slippery stock Dunlop 630?
Should I just put the bike in the back of my truck, drop it out along the road, and collect the insurance and let her get a bigger bike and save the new tire hassle?  ;D

Introductions / New guy here...
« on: August 27, 2010, 07:51:37 AM »
Hello, my name is Jay.

I am a relatively newer rider compared to some of you, I've only been riding since I was 16. That's roughly 26 years. As you know despite your age you can always learn something new with every ride. I've heard some of the old farts on here like to ride, so I figured I'd sign up and see what the fuss is all about.
Other than that, take it easy and enjoy the beautiful weather we have left this summer.

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