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Messages - Cam

Pages: 1 [2]
General Banter / Re: DEER!
« on: July 19, 2010, 11:08:56 AM »
wow that was close HSL, glad your OK, one question for you, did you need new shorts after?
With that high of a pucker factor....he's probably still looking for them.    :o

Glad it turned out okay, but it re-affirms my belief that deer are like a bolt of lightning: You can try to prepare for them, but you really can't avoid them.   

Another thing I would like to see is since cops say that they give tickets to slow traffic down, IMO they should have there lights on when they are running radar on the side of the road and they should always have there radar on when driving around and not turn in it off and on like they do and should not use Laser, it only purpose IMO is to catch speeders.

I've wondered about this too.  When people know there is a police officer nearby, they always slow down and in general become much more attentive drivers.  If the goal of law enforcement truly is to get everyone to drive slower (nearer the speed limit), why do they hide in the weeds and drive unmarked cars?

Do I think the current state of training to ride/drive and get your liscense is adequate-nope
To me, this statement is at the root of all the negative aspects involved in driving.  It is far too easy to get a license, and as a result the average driver/rider does not take anywhere near the responsibility they should when operating a vehicle.  I would like to see more rigorous driver/rider training and more stringent testing both to obtain and to keep a license.  Unfortunately, the amount of money involved to implement anything like that would make it prohibitive, not to mention the uproar from the general public if anyone were to suggest they might actually have to put some effort and responsibility into getting a license.

General Banter / Re: Great, Wreckless, Who Knows, Wish I Could
« on: July 14, 2010, 02:00:33 PM »
Forget the guy on the bike,  I wanna know who that crazy bastard is that's riding a skateboard down the hill!!  ;D

General Banter / Re: DEER!
« on: July 06, 2010, 09:32:08 AM »
Had a huge one run out in front of me yesterday here in southern MN.  I had plenty of time to avoid it but it's still an eye-opener.  Deer (and other large critters) are far and away at the top of my Risk Chart for motorcycling.  I hit one in my truck once and realized that sometimes there is just nothing you can do to avoid them apart from not leaving the house.  At least bad drivers are somewhat predictable since you can plan on them being an idiot, but I equate deer with a bolt of lightning: You may have some idea that they're in the area, but where and when they strike is anyone's guess.  They are the sole reason I avoid riding at night, which I used to love to do.

I've known guys that split them in half then rode to a stop without going down, while my friend's father-in-law is currently trying to regain his short term memory and is lucky to be alive and others are even less fortunate.   Seems like the result of hitting a deer is as unpredictable as hitting them in the first place. I guess that besides the obvious (gear-up, extra caution in deer infested areas, practice panic stops) the only thing to do in the event of an unavoidable collision with a forest rat is let out a rebel yell and aim for the squishy parts.  As bad as it may be, a deer is still softer than a tree or the grill of a truck.

Boo Deer!  

For Sale/Wanted to Buy / Re: Gloves at
« on: July 01, 2010, 09:17:51 AM »
Got these yesterday.  Haven't ridden with them, but the seem like really good gloves.  The leather is thick but soft so they're pretty comfortable/flexible.  Seems like ample protection without restricting movement or dexterity.  Interestingly, I bought two pair in the same size but the one seems to fit better than the other.  The blue/white ones fit perfectly, but on the black pair the fingers seemed too long for me, so if I put my hand in far enough to not have extra material at the fingertips it was putting pressure on the skin between my fingers. 

All in all, I'd definitely recommend them even just to have as a backup. 

For Sale/Wanted to Buy / Gloves at
« on: June 25, 2010, 08:13:16 PM »
Just passing along what seems like a good deal on some closeout priced gloves. 

Cortech / Tour Master Injector Gloves  $39.99

Still had several colors and sizes available.  Don't have any direct experience with these gloves, but other Tour Master stuff I've seen/owned has been pretty decent.  I ordered a couple pairs (I like to stock up on gloves), so I'll try to give a review when I get them.

General Banter / Re: What brought you here?
« on: June 12, 2010, 10:48:21 PM »
I was on the Yahoo board, though I can't remember how I ended up there.  I knew a couple of the people there before I found out about the board, but can't remember if they told me about it or I just stumbled upon it while looking for groups in MN.   Anyway, the few rides I've been on and the people I've met make me want to stay.  The only problem is that the timing never seems to work out for me to join in on more rides!
Guess I'll just get back to the shadows and keep lurking...

Bike Help / Re: Tire Change
« on: April 21, 2010, 11:01:51 AM »
Definitely go to Lloyd or Kyle if you're nearby, but as a standing offer for anyone around Rochester who wants to change their own tires, with a little advance notice you can use my home setup - a cheap (but effective) Central Machinery stand with a No-Mar mount/demount bar.  You can even balance them on my handy-dandy static balancing rig.

No payment required, but I do accept tips in 6-pack form!  :cheers:

Off Topic / US-129 at Deal's Gap Closed
« on: March 17, 2010, 07:33:25 PM »
A rock slide on Monday has closed US-129 through Deal's Gap until engineers can clear or stabilize the remaining rocks. 
--> Clicky Linky to Article<--

Apparently, this guy didn't get the message:
Deal's Gap Driver

And they say motorcycles are dangerous... :o

Introductions / Hi, my name is Cam and I'm a motorcyclist.
« on: March 17, 2010, 09:04:26 AM »
** See re-introduction below **

I'm coming over from the Yahoo group.  I live down in Rochester and don't usually get the
chance to meet up for rides/bike nights, but I did meet a few of the folks at TWiSTAR last year, and on one or two other occasions.  Looking forward to making some more rides this year.

Thanks Ray for taking the time and effort to get this forum up and running!!  I think once most people give it a try, they'll prefer it over the Yahoo format.  Especially when they learn they can use smilies   ;D  and post photos.

Don't ask why it's a different color...

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