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Messages - Vander

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General Banter / Re: HAPPY SPRING!!???
« on: March 20, 2013, 10:05:49 AM »
7 above with a windchill of -10 this morning.  Happy Spring indeed!   ...haha.

You better get that GL650 ready for the dirt too, John.   :)

General Banter / Re: Mating Season starting soon...
« on: March 07, 2013, 10:45:13 AM »
I envision this being posted on a Harley forum with the community asking "What is wrong with those sportbike guys?!"


Off Topic / Re: Has Duluth Recovered?
« on: March 06, 2013, 04:11:56 PM »
I enjoyed it too.   :)

Did you guys click on the "map" link (actually a .GIF)?

Off Topic / Re: Has Duluth Recovered?
« on: March 06, 2013, 08:57:00 AM »

That's a shame.

I found the following online too:

And thanks for the updates, Mike.

Off Topic / Has Duluth Recovered?
« on: March 01, 2013, 01:05:15 PM »
Looking for Mike Duluth on this one.

What is Duluth looking like these days?  ... specifically looking if 210 (Jay Cooke) is being repaired yet.  Are they planning on rebuilding the walking bridge too?

Off Topic / Re: It's time for a mini-van
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:54:03 AM »
Practicality trumps the perception stigma in my opinion.....


The 2013 Nissan Quest has my attention now.  It's not very pretty, but it has a nice seating arrangement, a CVT (constant velocity transmission), and the reviews say it drives and rides very well.

It will be a couple of years, so we would be purchasing one slightly used.

General Banter / Re: DO TELL
« on: January 24, 2013, 09:48:21 AM »
I think this was the road... I loved it.

Kanagawa prefecture road 70 in Japan.

Off Topic / Re: It's time for a mini-van
« on: January 23, 2013, 01:14:08 PM »
Well thank you for the tips, good sir.

Now was that 3 bikes all in the same load?  ...or you hauled one at a time?   ;D

For Sale/Wanted to Buy / Re: Fs Gerbings Set
« on: January 23, 2013, 10:24:24 AM »
I'd go with hand guards first.

Off Topic / It's time for a mini-van
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:43:45 AM »
My daughter is almost two and my son will be born around the time of her birthday.

So... I find myself actually WANTING a mini-van.  The size, the conveniences,  the practicality all seem so appealing to me now.  When I was in my twenties (as many 20-something males do), I DETESTED mini-vans and would never consider driving one, nevermind owning one.  Curious that I could have swung so dramatically, yes?

The demographics of this forum seem to really stretch as far as median age.  So I thought I'd ask this population:  At what point did you start appreciating the practical things in life?  Kids? perhaps at a certain age?  when you started an actual career rather than 'just a job'?

And to the youths... get off my lawn and don't touch my motorcycles.  No, I WON'T buy a coupon book to support your wrestling team and SLOW DOWN when you drive through the neighborhood!  ;D

For Sale/Wanted to Buy / Re: Fs Gerbings Set
« on: January 23, 2013, 08:16:53 AM »
2007 drz400sm :)
Gonna pick up atleast some heated grips for her

Welcome to the world of thumpers.

Heated grips on a DRZ?
Have you been watching "The Long Way Round" or something?

WTF Vander, are ya tryin to make us old guys feel bad?

Haha... no.

I just had a guy approach me at a gun range recently.  He was telling me how much time/effort/ money he had into his firearm collection.  And I couldn't get over how un-healthy he looked.  It seemed obvious that an armed assailant was not the biggest threat to his life.

It just opened my eyes to how lopsided some people's (including me) safety concerns are.  And how messed up it is to judge others on their safety/ health choices.  It just seems hypocritical... no?

I'm getting old too, I guess.  That "live and let live" thing is really creeping up on me.   ;D

If the mini-van doesn't get you, the cholesterol and saturated fats will.

We should be discussing the importance of diabetic screenings to keep us safe too.  And I sincerely hope there are no SMOKERS in this group.  Just remember that glaucoma checks are often free, and that a flu shot could even save your life.

Is ATGATT applicable on a  dialysis machine?


General Banter / Re: When you ride .....
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:52:35 AM »

Sometime I ride from what my bladder says.

What happens if the vehicle doesn't heed your warning or even see you? Is the "violent shake" of your bike so upsetting the chassis that now your reaction time is delayed?

Are you then too distracted by your action of the "violent shake" that you spent too much of your preverbial $10 on something that is not constructive?

Oh, I never shook it to the point of affecting my reaction time.  It's hard to explain.  And I'd show you, Lloyd; however, I sold all of my motorcycles for a mini-van.  Motorcycles are too dangerous and they now scare me.   :o

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