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Messages - Vander

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Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 28, 2015, 10:46:16 AM »
As you noted, lane splitting is not necessarily any safer.  It is merely different - with its own set of risks.

To clarify (and as you have eluded to) I feel it will take an adjustment period to make the practice a safer option than what is currently available.

The AMA seems to think so too:

How would you feel it the law stated:
At 25 MPH (and only when overtaking another vehicle and/or to travel to the front of the intersection) a motorcycle can lane-split?

Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 21, 2015, 12:57:22 PM »
So is it just driving habits of Minnesotans that makes it stupid? Am I understand that correctly?  And don't bad motorcyclist give us a bad rep anyway?  The "bad" ones lane-split already.

And again... it sounds like a position taken to not ride a motorcycle on the streets of Minnesota... ever.  If people in Minnesota are such bad drivers, wouldn't it make US stupid for driving our vulnerable motorcycle on the streets?

I guess don't see how adding the CHOICE to lane-split or not to lane split will affect how dangerous it is to ride in Minnesota.  It will offer a legal (if changed) option to riders to navigate a safe passage through congested traffic on their own terms.  I personally don't want to wait for an inattentive driver to rear end me while I sit behind another car (right in the impact zone).

Currently, doesn't the MSF teach us to take a lane position in congested traffic to increase visibility?  And isn't that lane position on the EDGE of the lane closer to MOVING traffic?  But maybe I don't have that correct...

And where specifically would this proposal supposedly even benefit traffic? Because I do not see it benefitting the masses, it may the few-the very few- but certainly not the masses.

My vision? Even though the safety benefits are disputed; lane splitting is indisputably advantageous to the conveniences of a motorcyclist.  I think more people would ride in rush hour if it was legal, which means one less car on the road for each rider in rush hour. 
And as they lane split, the road is being used more efficiently... more lanes of traffic without any new construction.  So the motorcycle that was occupying a full car lane would no longer be contributing to the congestion.

You asked for thoughts..............there you go---it is stupid IMO

You are a gem, Lloyd.  ;)

Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 18, 2015, 08:24:13 AM »
Absolutely no reason to apologize, sir.  You are precisely right... I am engaging in an argument in pursuit of a truth (and possibly unrealized on my part).

I have more for you to pick apart (and please do) but it is a busy day for me today.

Thank you for contributing.  :)

Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 17, 2015, 01:34:09 PM »
Sounds like you guys are making a pitch to not ride a motorcycle at all.

If there are so many drivers out there that get pissed off at motorcycles, why even risk riding at all?

And I don't think Minnesotans would rage if they knew it was legal now.  If it was communicated that every lane-splitting motorcycle represented one less car clogging up the road, they think differently.  Never saw anyone internationally block the buses in the shoulders...?

And I never saw a vid where someone intentionally opened a door on a lane-splitting motorcycle. That seems ridiculous.  Wouldn't they get hurt too?  Flying debris and such?  Plus they'd be prosecuted for reckless endangerment, no?

Even now I would choose to lane split to lose a road rager... even if the practice remained illegal.  How are they going to follow you?

Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:01:45 PM »
I'd love to have it legal here in MN.  It was a nice option to use in CA.  I can't understand why anyone in CA would take a car anywhere.
Another option that would be nice is filtering at stop lights.  I was doing that all winter for a few years but it really seems to upset the few police officers who stopped me to talk about it.

During warm weather, most drivers seem mad if you filter at the lights despite the fact that you going first doesn't slow anyone else one iota.  But when the temp is below freezing, most drivers (not police) seemed just fine letting the poor cold bike rider use the lights to skip past the pack and get home sooner.

It can't be made "safe" since riding in general is not safe but that's my job as the rider not the law's job or the other driver's job.  If I'm taken out, it was my fault for not being ready regardless of how stupid a move was made by some another driver.

Make splitting and filtering the law in MN!  It will be extra incentive to commuting by motorcycle and make bikes a higher percentage of the traffic.  Increasing the motorcycle use will make traffic better and parking easier for everyone.


Totally agree.

Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 15, 2015, 06:00:33 PM »
Having not done it, it sounds terrifying moving from one blind-spot to the next.  But I understand it works well in areas where the practice is well-established.

Making it legal - and safe - as a new practice in an area totally unaccustomed to it would be a challenge.  I'll let others break-in drivers to the concept.

It's not even remotely terrifying.  It may seem uncomfortable at first, but not terrifying.
There is even a study out of UC Berkley that reveals it is actually SAFER to lane split.

Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 14, 2015, 12:51:26 PM »

I rode in Japan for a season and really discovered how well it works.  To me, it is how motorcycles were intended to be ridden.

Safety and Riding Tips / Re: Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 14, 2015, 08:00:43 AM »
What would be your specific concerns?

Safety and Riding Tips / Thoughts on Lane Splitting?
« on: July 13, 2015, 01:57:21 PM »
Any opinions on the practice of lane-splitting?

General Banter / Re: Skully
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:16:36 AM »
Did you all see how the video was trying to establish product credibility with corporate executives?  Didn't even say if they were experienced riders.   ;D

It's clearly a gimmick... they are trying to pitch the practicality of it; but it really has no practical application, if you ask me.

I don't look at my gauges (unless I see a cop).
I don't use a GPS, because it's fun to get lost on a motorcycle.
And I absolutely will never want to take a phone call while I am trying to escape the world on a ride.
Not practical.

Again... seems like a cool toy (gimmick) but it's not for me.

General Banter / Re: Skully
« on: April 01, 2015, 03:35:20 PM »
Neat idea.
Looks cool.

But it probably causes brain cancer.  :o

General Banter / Re: They will find you eventually.
« on: March 03, 2015, 08:20:36 AM »

Nope; sorry, John.
Still a dirt/dual-sport rider.  Some days I miss it, though.

General Banter / Re: They will find you eventually.
« on: February 07, 2015, 03:30:19 PM »

Then do it. Maybe you'll get a cop that wants to settle things differently: :lfmao:

As I stated, I have far to much to lose at this time.  It would be a more of a sporting thing to do post-retirement or so.

That video you posted is absolute fantasy.  And I imagine whatever you saw yourself was simply an officer losing his cool, and his fellow officers not allowing him to make a serious mistake.  Actions like those in your video would be seen as extremely unprofessional and may even land the participanting officers in jail themselves.

How do I know? I was trained as an MP by police officers from MANY different major cities throughout the US.

General Banter / Re: HAPPY HOLIDAYS
« on: December 25, 2014, 07:57:45 AM »
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you as well, good sir.  :)

General Banter / Re: HAPPY SOLSTICE!!
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:59:03 AM »

All I see is wet, soppy grass...  :o

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