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Messages - JoeRau

Pages: 1 2 [3]
General Banter / Re: Aerostich gear-
« on: August 06, 2013, 04:09:45 PM »
Motoport looks like nice stuff.  Not too much more than Aerostich.  I still think I am going to ride up there and see how it fits.  That is biggest advantage I see right now.  The ability to go try it on, and have custom fitted if need be. 

I like the idea of not having to carry extra liners to put in if the weather changes.  Just zip open/closed the vents.  My dad rides in the Darien (both pieces) and does some ultra long touring.  He is on his way back to WI from Alaska now.  I don't do that long of trips, but I think the Motoport may be suited more for the day ride where the 'stich gear for longer trips. 

We will see what tomorrow brings.

General Banter / Aerostich gear-
« on: August 05, 2013, 04:05:36 PM »
I find myself wanting better riding gear.  My cheap Yamaha coat is coming to the end of it's time with me.  Mostly because it is too big now.  I liked the versatility of the mesh outer with both a water/windproof layer and an insulated layer could be changed out in just a few minutes. 
I'm looking hard at Aerostich.  The Darien jacket and the AD1 pants.  I know they are on the expensive side, but from what I know, the quality is there.  Also I like supporting local business where I can. 
Anyone have other suggestions? 

General Banter / Re: Where is everyone?
« on: July 28, 2013, 06:44:00 AM »
I think I am one of the underskilled riders you speak of, but I do try to ride safe and within my comfort zone.  The ride I went to was a great route, and the guys there where all really nice.  I enjoyed watching how they rode.  Very inspiring to watch a line of bikes in the curves from the back.  I felt like I held the group back some, although they all said no.  They waited for me at the corners, made sure I knew where we where going, and the guy ahead of me always kept in sight- Thanks Joel. 

While I appreciate the opportunity to join the group, my preference is for a much more relaxed pace.  I guess I am more on the touring side of sport touring.  Explains why I like my C14 so much.   

I will continue to ride at my own comfort level.  If the opportunity comes that a more relaxed pace ride matches up with my schedule, I'll be there.  I may even try to put something together to invite the group to at some point.  For now I think it is best that I stick to learning-  After al,l I have only been back on a bike for just over a year, since I was a teenager... a long time ago. 

General Banter / Re: Crashes Reported in the Media
« on: July 28, 2013, 06:10:22 AM »
I took the 911 calls on the above crash.  It turned out much better than I thought it would from the initial reports.

Introductions / Re: New member with a new bike
« on: July 04, 2013, 04:16:32 PM »
Hi, I saw a black concours just like yours today while I was out for a ride... somewhere around Red Wing I forget which city I saw it in.  See you on a ride sometime.
Not me.  I'm stuck at work today.  6am to 6pm.  I did ride to work today, and did ride a few miles to pick up lunch, but still 45 minutes South of the Red Wing area.

Introductions / Re: New member with a new bike
« on: July 04, 2013, 10:36:42 AM »
Hi Joe!  Glad u made it.  This place has been realllly slow this season for some reason.  I sometimes do an evening run after work, so if that works for you, u would be welcome to tag along.  Might try & make the posted Sunday ride Chris has posted for this wknd...  we could travel together if u wanted.
I see that is is a bit slow, but so are a lot of other groups.  An evening ride would be great.  My work schedule only has me working 1/2 the days of the year, 12 hr shifts- so I'm done by 6pm, if I work that day. 

I'd take you up on the Sunday ride, but I'll be out of town with the wife, kids, and dogs.  I was looking at tomorrow's (Friday) ride.  I may not be able to do the whole thing since I have to pick up the wife in Austin at 5, but could duck out at Onalaska & head home.

Introductions / Re: New member with a new bike
« on: July 04, 2013, 09:24:53 AM »
Welcome, we spoke at the other place. Glad you found your way here,
Thanks.  Yep that was me. 

Welcome!  I think D is from Byron also.  See you around this summer.
It was D that directed me here. 

For Sale/Wanted to Buy / SOLD NIB Denali DM1 lights
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:30:24 AM »

I got these for my old C10 Concours.  No need for them on my new bike, so I'll sell them.  I'd prefer local deal (SE MN) for $200 cash, but for 225 USPS Money order I'll ship them.  I'd even be willing to meet somewhere... you know how we all need an excuse to ride....

Shoot me an email

If I don't sell them soon, I'll return them to twisted throttle.

Introductions / New member with a new bike
« on: July 03, 2013, 11:16:05 AM »
I have been riding off and on for many years.  For the last 2 seasons I have been on an older Concours.  12 days ago I picked up a new bike- a 2012 black Kawi Concours 14.  Found a great deal on it up in St Cloud. 

I currently live in SE MN, in Byron.  I joined this group to find some people to ride with, and places to ride.  I know there are a few members here from SE MN area, and have found some nice riding, but more is always better.

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