Having not done it, it sounds terrifying moving from one blind-spot to the next. But I understand it works well in areas where the practice is well-established.Making it legal - and safe - as a new practice in an area totally unaccustomed to it would be a challenge. I'll let others break-in drivers to the concept.
I'd love to have it legal here in MN. It was a nice option to use in CA. I can't understand why anyone in CA would take a car anywhere.Another option that would be nice is filtering at stop lights. I was doing that all winter for a few years but it really seems to upset the few police officers who stopped me to talk about it.During warm weather, most drivers seem mad if you filter at the lights despite the fact that you going first doesn't slow anyone else one iota. But when the temp is below freezing, most drivers (not police) seemed just fine letting the poor cold bike rider use the lights to skip past the pack and get home sooner.It can't be made "safe" since riding in general is not safe but that's my job as the rider not the law's job or the other driver's job. If I'm taken out, it was my fault for not being ready regardless of how stupid a move was made by some another driver.Make splitting and filtering the law in MN! It will be extra incentive to commuting by motorcycle and make bikes a higher percentage of the traffic. Increasing the motorcycle use will make traffic better and parking easier for everyone.Later,Kent
My thought is, we already piss people off and the whole lane splitting thing just makes it worse. This bypassing of general automotive rules on public streets would only make the haters hate more.
It's not even remotely terrifying. It may seem uncomfortable at first, but not terrifying.There is even a study out of UC Berkley that reveals it is actually SAFER to lane split.