I have been surprised to observe on recent rides that most of us lean counter to the direction of the corner in a crossed-up body position.That is, instead of leaning in the direction of the turn most lean to the outside. This increases the lean of the bike and looks awkward. It does decrease any chicken strip width however. Thoughts?
I think what you observed Friday may have been due to the nature of the ride. If we had run Wildcat MT. or the Mindoro Cut I thinkyou would have seen most riders shifting weight/hanging off to the inside of corners.. Also Jay chose a more moderate pace (fine with me) for this ride since it was quite scenic with the change in colors. If we had been really haulin ass I'm sure you would have seen most ridersshifting weight/hanging off to the inside of corners. The gixxer rider didn't get scuffed knee sliders from counter leaning. Just my 2 cents.
So many of the skills involved in good motorcycling are counter-intuitive and need to be drilled into our melons with repetition, repetition, repetition.