I am here; heavy with disappointment.I am wrong. I thought that this site was different from the others. It is not. It is the same dynamic as the others... posturing, ridicule, and blind "cult-like" loyalty to the organization.I will continue just to read and will no longer participate as I do with other message boards.And that is fine. But maybe you will not be so harsh with your judgments of the other sites knowing that you all are susceptible to the same collapse of social graces as the others.You have all participated and have behaved just as poorly as the other forums. And again, that is okay... I just hope you all learn something from this. Even old men can change and perhaps at that time I can re-engage in civil dialogue.Enjoy yourselves and be safe.
I'm more critical than you are! My gutted emgo megs are louder,my off the rack colors are gnarlier,my fringe is longer,my opinions are better-THAN YOURS! I am as bad or worse than most of you in being one to notice others faults but at least I know it. Let's get back to enjoying the back roads with others of similar tastes. After all the weather barriers I still plan to get to "The Hills" monday. If anyone else shows up great-even if they're a 'Hoglie Rider' I'll try to show them a good time. These 8 pages of banter may offend or at least scare away some folks. Let's try to keep this stuff on the back burner 'til winter when we need things to argue about unless like me you're trying to get out on your x-country skis!GJ
I have not been harsh with my judgments of other sites.
Lloyd's passing comment is accurate. I have seen many situations (not this group) where the lead bike is a bit aggressive and the followers really get stuck in a bad situation.
My comment is more directed at the followers, not at the lead bike being "aggressive" with their passing.
[SNIP]... Just being stupid increases the risks for everyone, leader or follower.
Understood and I agree. However there is little risk if the leader makes an easy slow pass, unlimited visibility and a mile of traffic free passing lane.
Quote from: Lloyd on October 14, 2011, 07:10:31 PM[SNIP]... Just being stupid increases the risks for everyone, leader or follower.This is a great quote.
My point is still far too many "followers" just follow blindly putting themselves and the leader and everyone around in danger.