Went on a group ride last night put on by a dealer, I will never attempt that again. I'm amazed with the stupidity of riders in their 20s-30s. I must be 30 going on 55...
It was less the speed limits as I understand that some riders can handle corners better than others and it's more enjoyable to push sport bikes towards their limits, it's just blatantly ignoring the fact that we were supposed to be running staggered and riding tandem with complete strangers on very different machines, even through corners. Passing in the same lane, etc. I'm just amazed that people would run 2ft away from a stranger throughout the corners, even when I was clearly trying to keep a reasonable distance from the rider ahead of myself as well as trying to run solo through the corners in the event I might need to run wide to avoid an obstacle.
I'm curious as to the area that this ride took in-rural? In the very old days(70s) riding with WBMC we'd be side by side. Those of us of the "Café" bent would go on ahead or play catch up so as to not mess up the pack. Having meeting points in town will attract some who want the negative style activity. My meetups being 100mi away don't fit in with their idea of fun. We've had a bad few weeks with the young fellow's "suicide by sport bike" and the 5 others just recently. Making folks wear proper gear would probably be as tough as taking the AKs & ARs away. OK,2 cents from Oldheimer. P.S. What's the MORTAL COIL?