I found out that sometimes you can't always rely entirely on the GPS.
I like the cumulative mileage on the left, as this makes it really easy if I've reset my odometer at the start of a ride to quickly know when I need to look for my Which brings me to the last point, the need for a "standard" format. While it might help everyone, anyone who comes up with a route is volunteering their time and energy and I'm a bit loathe to suggest to them, that their volunteer efforts need to be captured in a specific format. I'm of the opinion that volunteers are a precious commodity and are to be cherished and supported in anyway possible. The least a volunteer can get from the participants on a ride is their route sheet layout preference.An alternative to establishing a standard format would be to encourage people to post an editable version of the route sheet. This would enable participants who wanted a different format or size to reformat the route sheet to fit their preferences before printing it. I used to provide Excel versions of the routes I created, but went to PDF, since not everyone seems to have Excel or be familiar with how to use it, unlike PDF, which no one seems to have problems printing.