What are your concerns?
the left blinker light on Ziemer’s 1960 Ford pickup wasn’t working. Both Caddell and Vanderlinde said Ziemer’s brake lights weren’t working either
Caddell was passing Ziemer in a no-passing zone and their two vehicles collided as Ziemer turned left on to Rabbit Road.
She was wearing Capri pants and flip flopsDespite having her foot amputated
BTW, even though blinkers or brake lights were not working, I think the majority of the liability rests on the following vehicle (the rider in this case).
However isn't it the law that turn signals and brake lights be working?
When a vehicle slows to the point of making a pass compelling on a double yellow, I always make that one last check to see if they could possibly be turning into a driveway, or making an illegal u-turn. I don't think the rider here had a sense of situational awareness. BTW, even though blinkers or brake lights were not working, I think the majority of the liability rests on the following vehicle (the rider in this case).
My only comment is that it was after dark. I haven't ridden after sundown for decades. I'm old(66)but have survived 50+ yrs of riding. I believe the chances of mishap multiplies by maybe 6 times in the dark. A cool,romantic moonlight ride isn't worth the danger. Guzzi John